Friday, November 29, 2019

Learning Art Essays - Drawing, Figure Drawing,

Learning Art I am working on the structure of the human anatomy. Our teacher wants us to feel the structure through gestures and get the proportions correct. We have just finished working on the Human skull, have worked with the whole figure, and now we are moving on towards the hands and feet. The fine detail, of course, can not be captured exactly as is, but the objective of our assignment is to make the figure appear as human like as possible. I have a technique that has made me improve my work. I draw as if I have never seen what I am drawing and I have to present the work I do before a queen or someone of a high rank. It also helps to get total determination before you start your assignment to think you will do well. Be clam and relaxed to a point where you are comfy yet still alert for your work. Your drawings should have a guesture that is almost equivalent to the movement of your subject that you are drawing. I found out the easiest materials to work with are the most simple. Instead of newsprint paper, which is more soft, and harder to work with, I use sketch paper. The sketch paper is more rugged. I use a pencil instead of charcoal. The pencil gives you the advantage to get a more fine point as well to make your lines lighter if necessary. It is also easier to erase. In class, we usually either have a model to draw, or work with each other's figure. I feel it is better to work with our classmates rather than the model because we have gotten use to each others appearance's which makes it easier to draw. For our homework this week, we are assigned to draw the foot three or four times on the same sheet of paper, life size. I feel that my class and myself has an easier time doing the hands and feet than the human skull because if you slightly are incorrect on your drawing it doesn't make the drawing unrecognizable. With the face, you can be off in the slightest of ways and everything else will be thrown out of proportion. It is a well concentrated assignment. Before I came to Montserrat I had no experience whatsoever in drawing, so when I started in on this, it was a real challenge. I felt that I have been able to keep up and have learned more quicker than I thought I would. I adapted fast to what she was teaching to our class, and I must say I am proud of myself for that. The only experience I have had was art class in junior high, and even then it wasn't drawing the human figure, it was more like painting and ceramics. The previous summer, my grandfather who is an artist, brushed me up on some work that he knew I would be doing that has also helped. I have still a lot to learn, but I am patient about it.

Monday, November 25, 2019

William Shakespeare Context Essays - Shakespearean Histories

William Shakespeare Context Essays - Shakespearean Histories William Shakespeare Context Context William Shakespeare is likely the most influential writer in the English language. The son of a mildly successful glove-maker, Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in northern England. He married in 1582 and had three children. Around 1590, at the height of the English Renaissance, he left his family behind and traveled to London to work as an actor and playwright. Both public and critical success quickly followed. Shakespeare's career bridged the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I, and he was a favorite of both monarchs. James granted Shakespeare and his company the greatest possible compliment by making them the king's players. Shakespeare died in 1616 at the age of fifty-two, the author of numerous sonnets and 38 remarkable plays, some of which were not only inarguably brilliant, but so influential as to effect the course of literature and culture ever after. From time to time controversies flare up about whether Shakespeare, a man of middling education and stature, could possibly be the author of such incredible literature. Many theories are forwarded, offering the credit of authorship to such diverse figures as Sir Francis Bacon, Edward de Vere, or the Earl of Oxford. But in the absence of definitive proof that Shakespeare is not the author of the work credited to him, Shakespeare will continue to be assessed as one of the preeminent artists the human race has ever produced. 1 Henry IV is one of Shakespeare's so-called history plays; it forms the second part of a tetralogy, or four-part series, which deals with the historical rise of the English royal House of Lancaster. (The play which comes before it is Richard II; it is followed by 2 Henry IVthat is, Henry IV Part 2and Henry V.) The play was probably composed in the years 1596-1597. Set around the years 1400-1403, the action of 1 Henry IV takes place two centuries before Shakespeare's own time. In general, it follows real events and uses historical people, although Shakespeare significantly alters or invents history where it suits him. For instance, the historical Hotspur was not the same age as Prince Hal, and Shakespeare's Mortimer is a conflation of two different historical people. The play refers importantly back to the history covered in its prequel, Richard II, and a quick review of the events of that work might prove helpful in understanding its characters' motivations. Among Shakespeare's most famous creations is Falstaff, Prince Hal's fat, aged, and criminally degenerate mentor and friend. His wit is legendary and irreverent. Falstaff has many historical precedents: he owes much to archetypes like the figure of Vice from the medieval morality plays and Gluttony from the seven deadly sins pageants; the arrogant soldier (miles gloriosus) from classical Roman comedy; and the Lord of Misrule from folk festival tradition (see the Norton Anthology). But ultimately he is a unique creation, second among Shakespearean characters only to Hamlet as an object of critical interest. The play mixes history and comedy innovatively, moving from high scenes of kings and battles to low scenes of ruffians in taverns and engaged in robberies. Its larger themes include the nature of kingship, honor, and loyalty; its great strengths include a remarkable richness and variety of texture, a fascinatingly ambiguous take on history and on political motivations, and a new kind of characterization, as found in the inimitable Falstaff. Summary King Henry IV, the aging king of England, is very disappointed in his son: everybody in the land knows that Prince Hal, the heir to the throne, spends most of his time in taverns on the seedy side of London, hanging around with highwaymen and vagrants. His closest friend among the rascally crew is Falstaff, a sort of substitute father figure; a worldly, fat old man who steals and lies for a living, Falstaff is also an extraordinarily witty person, who lives with great gusto. Trouble is brewing in England. A discontented family of noblemen, the Percys, starts to plan a rebellion against the King. This family, which helped King Henry rise to power, is angry because they feel the King has forgotten his debts to them. The Percy forces are headed by young Harry Percy, called Hotspur. Hotspur is a youth of Prince Hal's own age, but is

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Retail Environment and the Supply Chain of Online and Offline Assignment

The Retail Environment and the Supply Chain of Online and Offline Retailing of the Music Industry - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that home stereos had initially become popular and truly affordable during the 1980s, which brought about a boom in home entertainment devices. At that period of time, it was unimaginable that in the following two or three decades, record shops would barely exist anymore. However, the shift in buying patterns of the consumers from offline to online retail has led to the stark reality where physical shops have nearly disappeared from the retail panorama. With fewer shops, there is the even lesser number of distributors catering to the offline retail chain. The prices should be compared against that of competitors and price adjustments should be made accordingly. A product tracking interface could be developed in order to track and assert all the titles so that those can be stacked in one place. Comparing products against those of the competitors helps the retailer to gain better knowledge pertaining to product positioning strategies. The produ cts assorted can be further filtered in terms of discount range, price range, publisher, and genre. The retailers can make use of advanced technological developments to analyze the assortments by genre, music company, price range, singers or other dimensions that are deemed fit. The gaps, thus, discovered in the product catalog will help strengthen assortment structure of the retail shop and the weak categories can be developed by benchmarking assortment against that offered by the competitors. Keeping tabs on the competitor’s product strategies is an important part of successful retailing. The music albums that the competitors are featuring as well as the genres wherein heavy discounts are being offered should be researched. Apart from being up-to-date with the competitor knowledge, the retailer must also upgrade his stocks appropriately such that titles and albums promoted by the competitors are available and priced attractively. The retailer should be able to receive alert s on stock outs, price changes, promotions for the key titles and new introductions.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Posner's and Ferguson's Views on the Main Causes Essay

Compare and Contrast Posner's and Ferguson's Views on the Main Causes of the Financial Crisis - Essay Example Many media outputs, including films, articles, and books have outlined various determinants of this economic disorder. One of the most prominent is Charles Ferguson’s film ‘Inside Job’, which won an Academy Award for Best Documentary for its power filmmaking and investigative practices. Another prominent text is Richard Posner’s ‘Crisis of Capitalist Democracy’. This essay compares and contrasts the views of these two individuals -- Posner and Ferguson – in terms of their perspectives on the main causes of the financial crisis. Analysis From the opening credits of Inside Job it’s clear that Posner and Ferguson agree on a number of substantial key contributing factors to the 2008 economic crisis. In these regards, both individuals identify the original spark of the crisis the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Another prominent aspect that both thinkers consider is the nature of financial deregulation as greatly contributing to the crisi s. Both the film and the text provides historical accounts – both Ferguson and Posner’s exploration of the Glass-Steagal Act and Ferguson’s exploration of early era Wall Street – in demonstrating the tremendous shift that occurred in the 2008 economic climate as compared to a bygone conservative era. ... Another of the most notable links between the two texts is the very notion that the American governmental structure may not be able to respond to the significant challenges of the crisis at hand. While Posner emphasizes that a new model of Keynesian economics is needed, he also notes, â€Å"it is not that the economic challenges that we face are insurmountable but that we may lack the governmental structures and political culture requisite for meeting them† (Poster, pg. 7). One sees this echoed in Ferguson perhaps most prominently in the film’s analysis of the links between the financial sector and academia. Ferguson makes the profound and startling insight that the very people who provide the structural education of the economy are themselves on the payroll of these financial firms. In both instances then – Posner and Ferguson’s – there is a profound nihilistic cynicism at the very structure of the American system. Still, as the film and Posnerâ₠¬â„¢s book develop it’s clear there are a number of distinguishing factors. There are a number of overarching considerations. In terms of contrasting elements, one considers the nature of the contrasting mediums. While Ferguson’s film is highly successful in articulating much of the complex process of the crisis, it lacks the in-depth and extended analysis a book can offer. As such, one considers that while the two thinkers may not necessarily stand in theoretical conflict, Posner has the luxury of offering an extended analysis on many elements of the crisis. One trend in these regards is the increased emphasis that Posner places on the citizens that participated in the housing bubble. He writes, â€Å"by pushing up the value of common stock, which made people feel wealthier because their savings were increasingly

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Review of Hunter x Hunter

A Review of Hunter x Hunter Hunter x Hunter Review Name:Hunter x Hunter (2011) Author:Togashi Yoshihiro Episodes:1-Ongoing Runtime:2011-present GenreAction: Adventure, Fantasy Critics Description Togashi Yoshihiro is a well known mangaka responsible for Yu Yu Hakusho, one of the best anime of the mid 90-s often compared to Dragon Ball Z. While I was young I practically loved that series. Around 2013 I heard of a series named Hunter x Hunter which I had been intentionally avoiding until I discovered that it was written by Togashi Toshihiro. So I paused every anime I kept on my to-watch-list to see through this series hoping for the best. And in around a week I completed watching every episode proceeded to read the manga right away. Cant say I was disappointed. It was amazing. In my opinion Togashi Yoshihiro certainly exceeded my expectations with this. Something about it gave me a nostalgic feeling. So I ended up deciding to write a review on it to share the experience a bit and recommend it to a few extra people. Cause this anime is certainly worth a try! Story Fearsome monstersexotic creatures Vast richesHidden Treasures Evil enclavesunexplored lands The world unknown holds magic And some incredible people ar drawn to that magic They are known as.. Hunters -Intro of Hunter x Hunter 12 years prior to the story, one of the greatest Hunters in the world, Ging Freecss, left his infant child, Gon Freecss, to the care of his little sister, Mito. Mito, raised Gon as her own but her hatred for her brother caused her to tell Gon that his parents died. Gon lived in Whale Island an island filled with forests and mountains so he grew up around nature and often explored into the forest. One Day, Gon learned that his father was alive. So he decided to become a hunter and find his father. But being a Hunter wouldnt be easy. To be a Hunter one must participate in the Hunter exam, a very difficult exam that can only be passed by the elites of humanity. Through the exam Gon makes new friends and foes as he continues his journey to find his father and become the Best Hunter in the world! My take on the story The main plot, which focuses on Gons search for his father, isnt very original. Along with that the first few episodes werent all that interesting as well. It has a slow buil d up. But thats all the flaws I can point out. Nothing more. The story of every arc up to date have been absolutely amazing. Some better than others. The latest arc of the Anime easily dropped into one of my favorite arcs in all of anime and believe me I have watched plenty. So its safe to say that the story is very good. 8.4/10 Animation The animation is very bright and colorful which makes it seam cheery at times but it does not fail to get dark when the time calls for it. The characters were done well and the special effects were done. But it doesnt really stand out of the standard animation design so there isnt much that can be said about it. But I can safely say that its not very bad rather its pretty good. Well I for one liked it. Thats for sure. It isnt the type of animation that can turn people down so the animation isnt worth much to worry about. Its on the better side of average thats for sure. 8/10 Soundtrack I really like orchestral sound tracks and of course HxH delivers. The adventure-ish sound track fits perfectly into the series. Each character has different themes to go with their character, and the music doesnt do any less then fit the situation perfectly. The intro Departure can leave a very nostalgic feel to anybody who watched old animes like Dragon Ball. Another thing it does is get you pumped, The OST, boys, be courageous is a perfect example. Also there is Legend of The Martial Artist that emits the feel of an awesome event coming up. And my personal favorite is Riot. The timing of this song on the Phantom troupe arc was beyond brilliant. The hopeless, fearsome and yet the reason behind the song was kind of sad and the quotation said along it made it a truly memorable scene. Reason is a stand alone piece based on the friendship of Gon and Killua which was absolutely wonderful. These help this anime truly become an amazing experience. 9.3/10 Characters Hunter x Hunter mainly focuses on four main characters. Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio. Each character has their own purpose and goal. A bond between you and the characters can grow rather quickly and you can feel their sorrow. So here is a listing of the four main characters and there respective theme songs and backgrounds. Gon Freecss Gon Freecss is a 12-13 year old boy determined to find his father. His father was one of the best Hunters in existence. Gon wants to know why his father chose his profession as a Hunter rather then raising him. So he departs his peaceful island to become a pro hunter and find his father. Gon is simple-minded, tenacious, innocent and kind. He isnt very good with math though and isnt very bright. His theme is The world of Adventurers. It keeps his character down as a determined yet childish. He might be the typical Shonen main character but something about this guy really draws me out. His happy go lucky character, his innocent point of vie w and even his sort of childish manner. A lot of things about this guy that can attach you with this guy even to the point on sharing his hopes and dreams. Leorio Paladiknight Leorio comes of as a selfish guy who believes anything can be done through money. And so to earn vast riches he decided to become a hunter. Though Leorio aims to use the advantages of becoming a Hunter to follow his true dream beyond earning simply money. He is a hardy character who does not like to be disrespected and doesnt like it when people dont take him seriously. His theme is cheeky and stylish and jazzy which suits his character. Leorio is a good guy, although hes my least favorite of the four He is quite knowledgeable in his field but lacks an overall appearance compared to the other characters in my opinion. Though this guys jazzy theme does have a nice ring to it thats for sure. Kurapika Kurata Kurapika is the last decedent of the Kurata clan. He was the sole survivor when his clan was killed by the Phantom Troupe, a powerful group of bandits. He seeks to crumble the Troupe and retrieve the scarlet eyes of the Kurata clan and restore their honor. Kurapikka is calm and diligent. He dislikes to put others in danger and always thinks things through. His theme matches his will to redeem his clan and also his strategic thinking. I really like this character. His goal to seek vengeance might be cliche, but unlike many characters he goes out and does wha ever he can as early as he can to do whatever he can to seek vengeance. Might be cliched yes but I like him. Killua Zoldyk Killua is an assassin from the Zoldyk family. Tired of killing he decided to run away from home (stabbing his mother in progress) and become a hunter. He is skilled and powerful as everyone in the family are born to be the perfect assassins. cool, calm and collected Killua was born to kill as his name suggests. He often puts survival above anything else and knows when to run away. His theme music bring out his sa distic and scary side. This kid is not to be messed with! Killua is my favorite character of this series for his friendship with Gon and how their relationship and trust grows together. He wants to protect his friends to the point of forgetting what he trained from his birth Aside from that I like his character design too. He really is a cool character. Overall Overall I love this anime. Being a remake of a 90-s anime it still feels like an old anime with one solid opening and multiple changing endings. The series is wonderful but its not really meant for action oriented anime viewers as it puts stratagy before anything else. Since Im not that type I fairly enjoyed this series. Overall this anime had a huge impact on me, and also gave of a lot of nostalgia. My overall rating might be biased cause I was a huge fan of animes which shares similar elements. But thats just simply my opinion. But I hope that by reading this review you have decided to at least check it out yourself. Thanks for reading. I gave this 9.1/10

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparison and Contrast between Sexes for Dominance Essay -- Managemen

Comparison and Contrast Between Our Sexes: Why Do We Recognize Men as the Dominant Sex In Our Species? It has always been, within the course of human history, that only men were treated with respect and recognition, while women stayed at home and took care of the household. When people define the following careers such as, policeman, fireman, chairman, mailman, etc., we assume that those people are male because we were taught to feel this way since childhood. Although they are experiencing problems with a language that subtly demeans them, today's women have much more power than their predecessors. Based on the examples stated above, the English language has established a sexist foundation that has created a sexist society that will be irreparable for future generations. Because of the sexist nature of the English language, the definition they generate for both men and women creates a restricted assumption of the roles they have to play. For example in the article "Can a Woman be President?" by Kristen Hall, she states that: A woman can be a president. They do a job just as good as men because they are just as smart as men. For instance there is a governor in New Jersey and she does a great job. Women are now consider being equal to men, and should have the same opportunities as men. Women follow rules, and cooperate with the government. Women can make good choices, and effective speeches. Most people say, `"Well what about kids?"' Think about it. Men are responsible for their kids as much as women are. A woman won't run for a president if she has three year olds and needs to stay with them. She'll run when she gets older because her kids will be older. (Hall) After analyzing Kristen's response I can definitely... ... Negotiate Schools." 1997. Christy Desmet, Kathy Houff Speak, and Deborah Church Miller, eds. Argument. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Frank, Francine and Frank Ashen. "Of Girls and Chicks." Morgan, Elaine. "The Man-Made Myth." Hall, Kristen. "Can a woman be President?" Education (1997). 17 Nov. 2004 Ross, Kelley. "Against the Theory of Sexist Language." Feminism (1998) 18 Nov. 2004 Mifflin, Houghton. "Sexist Language and Assumptions." Gender (1996) 18 Nov. 2004

Monday, November 11, 2019

Executive Coaching: Humanistic Perspective Essay

It is a matter of fact that executive coaching is of great importance in our swiftly changing business and everyday life. Actually, I agree with Mary’s point of view that humanistic perspective should be used in business environment. I think that future leaders and top managers should pay more attention to this perspective. Moreover, working people should be encouraged to realize that they are provided with choices which direct their life. And executive coachers help people to choose the best suited options for them. As for me, humanistic perspective of executive coaching is that it refers to psychoanalysis aimed at finding the most effective ways of performance because coaches don’t simply tell how to behave or what to do; instead they allow you to realize what you need to do. Executive coaching assists many people in sharpening their skills. Coaching helps people who know what they want, but don’t know how to achieve the desired outcome. This approach also helps when sudden or unexpected changes occur in work environment as coaching helps people to adapt to innovations and to cope with new challenges. Furthermore, executive coaching finds new ways of solving old problems. I think that Mary is right when saying that â€Å"the humanistic perspective of executive coaching is when people are seen as having a choice in how they respond to their environment† as humanistic approach suggest wide range of possible choices and directions of one problem. It is argued that awareness helps many people to see that they are provided with choices and I am sure that we have to cultivate this skill. Awareness gives the sense of responsibility and power over the choices to be made. Due to humanistic perspective people realize that choices are inevitable part of work environment and everyday life. The primary benefit of executive coaching is that it makes people think of their own experiences, not others. Summing up, I support Mary’s opinion and think that executive coaching provides really positive viewpoint of human nature.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

‘Manhunt’ in comparison to ‘In Paris with you’

Both poems focus on the difficulties of being close to another person after past experiences. The male speaker in the poem ‘In Paris with You’ is unwilling to discuss his experiences of the past because he was â€Å"bamboozled† and is now focusing on the present, â€Å"I’m on the rebound†. The husband in ‘The Manhunt’ is similarly closed on the subject of the past because of his experience of war, â€Å"The blown hinge of his lower jaw† shows that he is unable to talk of his experience and it is like a door which is no longer open to his wife.The narrator of ‘In Paris with You’ does not want to spend time visiting famous parisian landmarks like â€Å"Notre Dame†, instead he wants to stay in an â€Å"Old hotel room† having sex with the woman. This shows that the man does not want to spend time getting to know her but instead he uses her. The poet uses colloquial language – â€Å"downed a drink or two† – to reflect the lack of care for the woman. In ‘The Manhunt’ the wife is searching for her husband who seems lost to her, metaphorically, after war.She is â€Å"climbing the rungs of his broken ribs† which shows she is trying to reach his heart to let him know she’s there, she is â€Å"climbing† which takes a lot of effort in a gradual search for her husband. In ‘The Manhunt’ the poet shows effort to connect with another person. On the other hand in ‘In Paris with You’ the man shows no effort in getting close to the woman, which is reflected by the colloquial language.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Rites Of Passage

Rites of Passage A rite of passage, whether defined as a â€Å"ritualistic procedure† (Webster’s) or as a â€Å"ceremony† (Random House), represents a change of status of an individual in his/her society. Rites of passage are generally thought to ensure smooth and successful life transitions and/or changes of status. All cultures have rites of passage; however, these rites vary greatly between the different cultures. In this essay, many cultures’ rites of passage will be described, but first, I shall begin by discussing what we are most familiar with: American rites of passage. Although American rites of passage are generally not as clear-cut and well defined as those of other cultures, they do exist. A general and obvious example of a formalized passage is the rite of marriage. More distinct and structured passages from one life stage to another can also be found in various religions prominent in America. Catholics participate in many. First there is Baptism, in which a child is initiated into the church through a ceremony that involves pouring water over a baby’s head and saying prayers. Another passage in the Catholic Church is Confirmation, which is generally described as the time that young people become â€Å"adults in the church.† Boys and girls who practice Judaism have a formal rite of passage in which they become adults in the church also. They prepare extensively for their bar mitzvah (boys) or bah mitzvah (girls), which involves singing, prayers, and gifts received by the young person who is participating. Despite these few structured rites, American culture still lacks a certain type of passage rite that multiple other cultures around the world practice; that is, the rite of passage from childhood to young adulthood. For Americans, this transition is ambiguous, in that at no single point are American children considered officially adults. It is instead a gradual process. Some, who undoubtedly experi... Free Essays on Rites Of Passage Free Essays on Rites Of Passage Rites of Passage A rite of passage, whether defined as a â€Å"ritualistic procedure† (Webster’s) or as a â€Å"ceremony† (Random House), represents a change of status of an individual in his/her society. Rites of passage are generally thought to ensure smooth and successful life transitions and/or changes of status. All cultures have rites of passage; however, these rites vary greatly between the different cultures. In this essay, many cultures’ rites of passage will be described, but first, I shall begin by discussing what we are most familiar with: American rites of passage. Although American rites of passage are generally not as clear-cut and well defined as those of other cultures, they do exist. A general and obvious example of a formalized passage is the rite of marriage. More distinct and structured passages from one life stage to another can also be found in various religions prominent in America. Catholics participate in many. First there is Baptism, in which a child is initiated into the church through a ceremony that involves pouring water over a baby’s head and saying prayers. Another passage in the Catholic Church is Confirmation, which is generally described as the time that young people become â€Å"adults in the church.† Boys and girls who practice Judaism have a formal rite of passage in which they become adults in the church also. They prepare extensively for their bar mitzvah (boys) or bah mitzvah (girls), which involves singing, prayers, and gifts received by the young person who is participating. Despite these few structured rites, American culture still lacks a certain type of passage rite that multiple other cultures around the world practice; that is, the rite of passage from childhood to young adulthood. For Americans, this transition is ambiguous, in that at no single point are American children considered officially adults. It is instead a gradual process. Some, who undoubtedly experi...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Concerning a Pretended Right to Lie from Motives of Humanity by Assignment

Concerning a Pretended Right to Lie from Motives of Humanity by Immanuel Kant - Assignment Example This is due to the fact that a man who speaks the truth should not be seen as responsible for the consequences resulting from his/her honest answer. The harm caused to a person as a result of the truthfulness does not impose any moral or legal responsibility to the one who has told the truth, because in this case we are talking about an accident. This is due to the fact that a lie â€Å"always hurts another; and if not another man, at least man kind in general by making the source of all right useless† (Kant and Kroeger 12). It makes no sense to define a lie as the falsehood that harms another because causing harm is the very essence of the lie. Despite the fact that in some cases, a lie is seen as an opportunity to save a loved one, however the consequences can be quite severe, including the tragic ones. In particular, if someone in an attempt to save the life of his friend lied to a murderer about the location of his friend and yet the murder has happened, this person may be punishable under civil law. In this case, the person who told the lie is responsible for the consequences. Constants believes that in some cases, truthfulness may harm another person, but in fact truthfulness cannot cause harm because it is a formal duty. Harm can be caused only by an accident (casus) to which the veracity is irrelevant. For this reason, truthfulness should be considered as an unconditional duty in any

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Technology Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Technology Implementation - Essay Example This essay discusses that the organization need to have specific implementation procedures for the specific systems required in the organization. An EMR system is one of the technological systems required in the organization that would require successful implementation to benefit the organization. For the organization to be up to date with the modern technological development, it requires to eliminate paper work using this system. Although the organization might not achieve the required benefits from the system in the short-term, the organization stands to achieve long-term benefits following successful implementation. The benefits achieved by the organization from a successful implementation of the system will be part of organization’s return on investment. People form important components of an information system, people are not only important in the design of an information system but they also contribute in the implementation process. For the organization to implement the new information system successfully, it needs to consider the people required to run the new system. The organization will therefore consider the available staff before considering hiring new members of staff. If the existing staff can successfully implement the new system then the organization needs not hire new staff. However, if the available staff is not capable of implementing the system then the organization should bring in additional staff members.... For the organization to implement the new information system successfully, it needs to consider the people required to run the new system. The organization will therefore consider the available staff before considering hiring new members of staff. If the existing staff can successfully implement the new system then the organization needs not hire new staff. However, if the available staff is not capable of implementing the system then the organization should bring in additional staff members. The organization should therefore ensure that it has the required staff before it begins the implementation process. Although the organization will require staff members with variety of qualifications, the organization would consider a project manager to be an important member of staff. The organization should therefore begin by recruiting a project manager to advice the organization accordingly on matters concerning hiring of new staff. Secondly, the organization will require modifying its work flow and facilities. This part of the implementation process would require fine turning the existing duties and facilities with the new information system. The main reason that the organization needs to undertake this process is to ensure that the existing facilities and procedures fully accommodate the new system efficiently. To modify the workflow, the organization requires testing the capabilities of the new system on the procedures and duties performed by the organization. The implementation team will then decide how suitable the new system is in the performance of stated duties. From this process, the implementation team is capable of